Paham y cyfyd mawrion byd

SALM 2. RHAN I - Adnodau 1-4,6.
(Marwolaeth a dyrchafiad Crist)
Paham y cyfyd mawrion byd,
  A'r bobl ynghŷd eu llef,
Gan lwyr fwriadu bwrw i lawr
  Enneiniog mawr y nef?

Ymosod mae llywiawdwyr llym,
  Ac ymgynghori 'nghŷd;
Yn erbyn Duw, a'i Grist ein plaid,
  Y mae pennaethiaid byd.

Eu rhwymau, meddant, rho'wn yn rhydd,
  Nis gwnawn ufudd-dod mwy;
Ond Duw, 'r hwn sydd uwch wybrol len,
  O'r nen a'u gwatwar hwy.

Er maint eich tra,
    medd Duw, a'ch trais,
  Gosodais fyth fel hyn
Fy Mrenin mawr yn Llwywdd llon
  Ar sanctaidd Sïon fryn.
Casgliad Daniel Rees 1831

[Mesur: MC 8686]

  RHAN II - Wel dyma'r ddeddf medd Iesu mad

PSALM 2. PART 1. Verses 1-4,6.
(The death and ascension of Christ)
Why do the great ones of the world and
  The people together raise their cry,
In completely deciding to throw down
   The great anointed one of heaven?

The sharp leaders attack,
  And take counsel together;
Against God, and his Christ our help,
  Are the chieftains of the world.

Their bonds, they say, let us render free,
  Let us no more perform obedience;
But God, the one who is above the heavenly curtain
  Of the sky, scorns them.

Despite the extent of your arrogance,
    says God, and your violence,
  I have set forever thus
My great King as cheerful Governor
  Over the holy hill of Zion.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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